Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Here's hoping everybody's having a great day with friends, family, good eats, and a glass of the good stuff, whatever that might be for you!

I've enjoyed a few absinthes with JS, starting with the St. George, then comparing to Edouard, Duplais Balance, a few others. St. George stands out in a crowd-- pronounced aftertastes are new to us, must be stinging nettles and/or meadowsweet. You would pick it first in a blind tasting lineup-- there's nothing like it. It benefitted from a cube of sugar after trying them all at 2:1, then watered to 3:1 or so. We kept coming back to "medicinal" and "greens" for flavor cues-- sort of vegetal, tea-like.

Thrilling that an American absinthe is as unique as this, appropriate that it comes from the Bay Area-- first had stinging nettles at the Chez Panisse Café-- it's one of the original gourmet ghetto ingredients-- chuckled when I first saw it listed on St. George's label!

For a little holiday cheer, try coming up with a new absinthe cliché/pun with this handy form:

Or, make your own:
If you come up with a good one, please leave it in the comments!

Update 11:30 PM: also a little Kübler, Lucid, Nouvelle Orleans, Marteau,...


  1. Sounds like an interesting bottle of St George. When you say "medicinal" you are not talking like Listerine or Hills style absinthe are you? Im hoping not! I cant wait to try it. Im in line for the second batch.

    Here is my quote....

    "Absinthe makes the art show blonder."

  2. Thanks for the kind words on my blog, Latency Issues. I have heard bad things about the Kubler so I have been hesitant to spring for a bottle. We have also been very spoiled here as our bass player spent a large portion of last year in Europe and brought back a few cases of different varieties. So we now have a taste for the good stuff.
